Monday, August 31, 2009

Ordination 2009

Venerable Gregory Lopez

If I were to die within a few hours, I would do nothing more than I do now. For now I am actually giving to God all that I have. I cannot give more unless God in his mercy bestows it on me.

- Venerable Gregory Lopez (1542-1596)

Welcome Back!

Well, welcome back to another school year. I took off from blogging this summer except to post links and videos. God has worked in my life so much lately, I'll save that for another blog. Spiritually, I grew this summer. This fall I decided to take a Bible Study with Homeschool Connections Online. I want to congratulate my two miracles, who are in the 5th and 7th grade to be inspired to become a lifelong learner and to constantly challenge themselves. The School year for us started a week ago. They adjusted fine. Mom on the other hand had a tough time adjusting. Now that the weather is getting cooler, I will adjust better. This year will be more challenging, since we chose to follow Mater Amabilis, with a Latin centered education concentration. I learned many things this summer. First, being financially strapped should never keep you from having a good time. Second, that God created humor for you to see love in everything. Third, children teach you the most valuable lessons in life. They teach you to take time to smell the flowers and that the things most important in life are right under your nose, the love for your family. No amount of money can make you happy without that. I learned that I am doing awesome job homeschooling my children from their mouths themselves.
I learned that The Blessed Mother has become closer to my heart the closer I got to the pending school year. "The Almighty has done great things for me." Our Yes, like Mary's yes brings us closer to the Light of God. Through her, God has shown me all things are possible. I started writing my articles and continued my book, which I will leave for another blog entry. Thank you, Father Corapi, for the summer of Faith formation that I incurred on EWTN.
Most of all , I want to thank my husband and my beautiful miracles from God for walking this walk with me. For God to to give me the faith to trust in the walk. Thank you showing me the Light of the Path. God Bless you all!! Have a Blessed school year!

Praising Him joyfully,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Meditation of the Day

The disciples struggled to cross the stormy sea, straining at the oars all
night long until Jesus finally came to them in the fourth watch-which would
have been between three and six o'clock in the morning!

That's a long time to be fighting such violent seas. You would think that,
after having seen Jesus multiply the loaves and fishes, they might have
called out to him-or at least to God-for help. But instead, they kept on
trying to make the crossing on their own. Then, when Jesus did appear, they
were so scared that they didn't recognize him. Even Peter, the chief
apostle, wavered in his faith and sank into the raging waters!

What a contrast when Jesus and the disciples landed in Gennesaret! The
people recognized him and immediately sent out word so that people far and
wide could come and hear him. There was excitement in the air, as many were
healed by doing nothing more than touching Jesus' cloak!

Isn't it funny that the disciples showed this lack of faith? Among all the
other lessons in this story is a warning: Some situations can come upon us
with all the force of an unexpected and violent storm. These storms can be
so powerful that we panic and forget who Jesus is. Even when he is right
there with us, we may not recognize him, because we are so caught up in
everything else around us.

How can we keep this from happening? One strategy is to get used to turning
to Jesus frequently during the day, even when everything is going along just
fine. As we learn how to find him in our everyday lives, we will know-almost
by instinct-to look for him when the storms come.

Every day, the world tries to tell us to be self-sufficient. And every day,
the Holy Spirit wants to teach us to fix our eyes on Jesus. In the end, it
comes down to our decision. We can learn how to be prepared for any
situation by walking with the Lord, or we can try to go it alone and be at
the mercy of every storm that blows our way. Which way sounds better to you?

"Holy Spirit, help me to be filled with wonder and expectancy as I approach
every new day walking with Jesus!"


Governor and Voting

I rarely put up political posts but today I will.  Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor.  It has saddened me...