Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lent Day 30

Fast: Give up an extra hour before bedtime. Read with your children — all of them.

Pray: For the next 3 minutes and 49 seconds, sit quietly with your eyes closed and pray this song:

Give: “If people would do for God what they do for the world, what a great number of Christians would go to Heaven!”—St. John Vianney

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lent Day 29

Fast: After breakfast, take a walk. Leave the dishes, the routine, the things on your to-do list. Take everyone with you but tell them it’s a silent walk. See how long you can all just listen to the outdoors.

Pray: Set a timer to go off every hour today. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of your husband (or wife!).

Give: Do one of “his” chores today. Don’t tell him you did it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Best Quote

We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be. -- C.S. Lewis

Lent Day 28

Fast: You are the world to your family. Be your best world for them and only them today.

Pray: Be still and know that God is with you. Right here, right now, in the mess and under the noise.

Give: When you face a motherly crisis, remember that way back on your wedding day God gave you all the graces you need to handle it. Claim them.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lent Day 27

Fast: Refrain from self promotion. “The only way to make rapid progress along the path of divine love is to remain very little and to put all our trust in Almighty God. That is what I have done.” — St. Therese

Pray: Is there someone who inspires feelings of inferiority in you? Offer a Memorare for her intentions.

Give: Page through your wedding album with your children today. Remember how loved you felt that day. Love your family well.

Sophia Institute Press

Sophia Institute Press is offering selected titles for just $2.00 each.

Among the discounted books are gems such as O Holy Night, a gorgeous compilation of Nativity poetry by Dr. Johann Moser, and Adventures in Orthodoxy by Dwight Longenecker.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lent Day 26

Fast: Let go of despair and know that God gives you sufficient grace. “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” — St. Francis of Assisi

Pray: Pray to know how God wants you to spend your time online.

Give: Make sure that everyone in your family gets at least one of your hugs today.

Small Success


1. Drama is finally over for the year. The kids did such a great Job! We can finally have some down time as a family, which I have been missing.

2. I realized this is the Lent God wants to show me what true sacrifice is. All these things I think are bumps in the road are actually signs for getting closer to Him. I am so thankful for the insight He has given me.

3. We are catching up with all our school work this week due to the mini vacation we had last week. God has Blessed us this week with time. We went on a Trip to the State House. We got to see where the Governor's office is. My son was very impressed with all the state senate room and the congressional room. He told me later maybe I could be a congressman someday. Maybe He could change some of the ways we do stuff in this state and country. God Bless Him!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Impossible Novena

There's a beautiful nine month novena that starts on the feast of the Annunciation, and ends on Christmas; commemorating the nine months that our savior was in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It's fairly simple and easy to memorize. You pick three "impossible" intentions to pray for and I've heard (and experienced) many amazing stories of prayers answered.

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Pray for us, most holy mother of God.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

All Virgin of the Incarnation, a thousand times we greet you, a thousand times we praise you for thy joy you had when God was incarnated in you. Because you are so powerful O Virgin and Mother of God, grant what we ask of you for the love of God.

[state your first intention]

Repeat all of the above for your second and third intentions

Remember, O most Gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of Virgins, my mother. To thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Blessed and praised be the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, in Heaven, on earth and everywhere. Amen.

Annuciation of the Lord

Today is the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. Mary's Yes changed our lives. The Holy Spirit had guided her to a prominent Yes. The Holy Spirit guides us through Life helping us recognize many of the Blessing in our Lives. The Holy Spirit guides us to do God's Will. God is in control and we need to be nudged sometimes to follow His Will. The Word Among Us says it perfectly:

The best part is that the Spirit is still at work in the same way today. He wants to empower us just as he empowered Mary throughout her life. He wants to fill us with his love so that we will evangelize. And he wants to guide us just as he guided Mary, walking beside us at every moment, inspiring us to follow God’s will. Perhaps you have already experienced him giving you his wisdom, understanding, counsel, and courage at different points in your life. But whatever you have experienced, he wants to do even more!

The Holy Spirit has been with you since your baptism. He’s the one behind those gentle nudges you get to say a kind word or call up a friend in distress. He’s also the one who prompts you to speak out against evil and avoid doing anything displeasing to God. Now is the time to get to know him even better. So follow Mary’s example and look to him every day. He wants to fill your heart to overflowing, and through you, to renew the face of the earth!

Praising Him Joyfully,


Lent Day 25

Fast: Let go of self-recrimination. “There is still time for endurance, time for patience, time for healing, time for change. Have you slipped? Rise up. Have you sinned? Cease. Do not stand among sinners, but leap aside.” — St. Basil the Great

Pray: For a few minutes tonight, after your children are sleeping, kneel beside their beds. Let your breath rise and fall with theirs. Entrust them to the Father and thank Him for lending them to you.

Give: Do not say “In a minute” or “When I finish this” at all today. Instead, put aside your agenda and meet their needs (and even some wants) immediately and cheerfully.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dr. James Dobson

I was reading his letter about that he has stepped down, but will continue his ministries on the radio and his book writing until he retires. He stated that Jesus, leads the way. This week has been a rough one for me and realized that Jesus does lead the way. We need to allow him to do that. When we are going through difficult times in our families and our lives we need to remember that. I feel so much better reading this letter knowing that God is looking out for all of us and He does indeed the lead the way in my family. I just sometimes forget to allow God to show us the way and ask for His help. Life is but many doors opening and closing. We need to invoke the Holy Spirit to guide us. God Bless! I will leave you with scripture from Dr. Dobson:

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, NIV
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Praying for your husband

I found this prayer on Faith and Family Live! What an awesome prayer.

Lord, bless and preserve my cherished husband, whom You have given me: Let his life be long and blessed, comfortable and holy; let me ever be a blessing and a comfort to him, a sharer in all his sorrows, a consolation in all the accidents and trials of life; make me forever lovable in his eyes and forever dear to him; unite his heart to mine in fondest love and holiness, and mine to him in all sweetness, charity, and submission. Keep me from all ungentleness; make me humble and obedient, that we may delight in each other according to Your blessed word. May both of us rejoice in You, having our portion in the love and service of God forever.

Lent Day 24

Fast: Give up thinking things have to be perfect.

“Don’t get upset with your imperfections. It’s a great mistake because it leads nowhere - to get angry because you are angry, upset at being upset, depressed at being depressed, disappointed because you are disappointed. So don’t fool yourself. Simply surrender to the Power of God’s Love, which is always greater than our weakness.” — St. Francis de Sales

Pray: Before you go anywhere else online today, pray this prayer, taken from the writings of St. Louis de Montfort: Lord, help me to imitate Mary’s deep humility, lively faith, blind obedience, unceasing prayer, constant self-denial, surpassing purity, ardent love, heroic patience, angelic kindness, and heavenly wisdom. Amen.

Give: As you do laundry today, bless the person for whom you are folding. With every crease, offer a prayer.

Monday, March 23, 2009

So excited

My two favorite authors are writing a book together. I am so excited--Elizabeth Foss and Danielle Bean. I will be the first to buy it.

Lent Day 23

Fast: Clean out the refrigerator today instead of eating lunch. Pull everything out and wipe it all down. As you do it, thank God for providing food in your family.

Pray: Give thanks for food, clothes, and shelter. Listen to His plan for stewardship.

Give: “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.“ — Mother Teresa
Assure the people in your home that they are wanted, loved and cared for. Don’t use words.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fasting Day 21

Fast: Don’t compare or complain. Do compliment.

Pray: Ask God to make you humble and lowly.

Give: Pack a picnic and go somewhere to eat it with your children. If the weather is prohibitive, build a tent in the living room and it eat there. Sit on the ground with them. Be fully present.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Small Successes


1. This week was what I can say that it was awful. Even through this rough week, God was by my side. He poked sunshine into this awful week by on Saint Joseph's Day having Greg sign up for a job fair at Rutgers University. He got laid off and has been looking for a job. This was an awesome thing in my eyes. Only God's Divine intervention this could happen on such a day!

2. I learned a few lessons in motherhood about preteens this week, especially when lying is occurring and how to handle it. I learned that being calm and just explaining that everything has consequences is the best way to handle it.

3. I also learned the closer I get to God, the more tests I will have to undergo especially in the society we will live today.

4. I also realized that as crazy as my extended family is I need to show them how the Light of Christ has transformed my life, even when they think I am nuts. I am in good company. During Jesus' time they thought he was nuts too. Now I just give up all of my sufferings to His Holy Cross.

5. I also learned that how much a child may be disobedient you have to love them through it all.

Yes, we have had a rough week. God has Blessed us through it all!

Praising Him Joyfully,

Fasting Day 20

Fast: We’re half way through. Compare yourself now only to yourself when Lent began. Tweak the plan.

Pray: Insist on quiet from all your children during naptime today. Pray the Divine Mercy chaplet.

Give: Reach out to a local friend today. Reconnect.

Saint Joseph's Day!

I call all those fathers to celebrate Saint Joseph's Day! I am going to pick up some cream puffs today so we can celebrate it tonight. I am not good at baking cream puffs, or I am afraid to try them since my last attempt. Greg is going to two job fairs today. What a great day to have it--on Saint Joseph's Day!!! God is amazing, just when you think things are not going to turn around--he pokes a little ray of sunshine and that is all we need. God Bless all those Great awesome men who are Fathers--Happy Saint Joseph's Day!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am sitting here thinking about forks in the road. We are at a crossroads at this time. I am waiting for God to send me a sign of which way we are to go. My faith is so deep rooted than it was years ago that now I wait patiently for the signs. I read a home school newsletter this morning that explained faith as believing in something you cannot see. Maybe that is a a true definition. Though I know God is always around me. I can see Him through other people and in things that happen in my life. Things always happen for a reason. Whenever he closes a door, he opens a window somewhere else. My faith has gotten us through a lot lately in this family. I found my window in writing and started to freelance again. Where is yours?

Praising Him Joyfully,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!! I woke up early to start my corned beef and cabbage stew. My kids want it now. Hehehe. We are going to make Saint Patrick's Day brownies too!!! We read the story of Saint Patrick and during lunch we are going to watch Saint Patrick's story. Everyone Have a Blessed Feast Day!

Praising Him Joyfully,

Monday, March 16, 2009


Surrendering is my thought for the night. I have always tried to do God's will. Surrendering I realized is like an onion. It has many layers. Once you fully surrender something there is something else you need to surrender to get closer to Him. Being open to allow Him to work through you sometimes is a scary thing, and not question it. It brings the most love you can ever feel from God. Last week was a surrendering week, a testing week of that. I was not sure if I would make it through, but I did. With the great love of my husband and family I did, and they never even realized what I needed but gave their help when I asked for it. I also believe allowing people to help you through tough times is another way to surrender and be open to God. This past year, I saw through that through my immediate family after I got sick. I thank God every day for the family I have and the life I have. He has Blessed me many times. May He Bless you all!

Praising Him Joyfully,

Saint Patrick

Here is a link for Saint Patrick to help with lesson tomorrow:


and this is the book I read to my kids every year


along with a video of Saint Patrick from CCC

Praising Him Joyfully,

CHAPLET Homeschool Conference

CHAPLET Home school Conference is just around the corner in April. I am sending in my registration tomorrow. My two favorite home school authors are coming this year Danielle Bean and Maureen Wittmann. I am so excited to hear them speak. My daughter is coming with me to the conference she is a bit excited too. We are going to make a day of it and then go out to dinner since the boys will be camping that weekend.

2009 CHAPLET Homeschool Conference

The 10th Annual CHAPLET Conference:
Saturday, April 25, 2009

at Mater Ecclessiae in Berlin, NJ

The CHAPLET Homeschool Conference is entering its 10th year and has proven
to be a very informative and successful event that allows homeschool parents
and those contemplating homeschooling to view a plethora of Catholic materials,
school books and curricula, religious articles and books, videos and music.

Click here for last year’s impressive list of vendors!

Click here for a printable Vendor Registration Form

Schedule of Events
The itinerary for the conference allows visitors plenty of time
to browse the merchandise, chat with vendors, listen to our
speakers, attend a workshop, break for lunch, and even attend Mass.
Refreshments will be available during the conference.

Traditional Latin Mass

9:00am ~ 5:00pm
Homeschool Conference

Traditional Latin Mass

Click here to view a partial
schedule of events

We are excited to announce our 2009:

Conference Guest Speakers

This all-day event includes guest speakers from our area,
and also from around the country to enrich and enlighten us.

Tim Ferris, Kolbe Academy:
“The Value of a Classical Education”

Danielle Bean:
Catholic Author and Homeschool Mom

Maureen Wittman:
Catholic Author and Homeschool Mom
Subject: Her new book “For the Love of Literature”

Scott Woodruff, HSLDA Staff Attorney:
Subject: “Homeschooling With Confidence”

Soon to come: details on our speakers’ talks

Used Curriculum Table
A used curriculum area is always available for books at a discount.
If you plan to sell used curriculum items, please click here for
a downloadable form which you will attach to your items list
and bring the day of the conference. Details are on the form.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Small Successes


1. This week week my children have gotten up, ate breakfast, got dressed and took a shower and started homeschooling without any complains. This so awesome to me!

2. Our Lenten de-cluttering is starting to make head way and I am starting to recognize my house again. Praise God for the patience and sticking with it with me!

3. Most of all , I am starting to feel better after feeling sick this past 2 weeks. What an awesome thing to be able to get up and have a cup of tea without feeling nauseous.

4. For the Lord, helping us to continue through our hectic life with our family prayer time and getting closer to him each time!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

History Links

I am in the search of a new curriculum for History next year. Let me rephrase that a new curriculum and it presented differently, so I found these links below. The Mystery of History I love and the state study guides we are currently using. The state we are studying currently is New Jersey. We are taking a lot of time on that state because that is where we live. So here are the links I thought you all might like to see. Tapestry of grace I am looking into currently. I'll let you know which one I stick with for next year after my investigation for it. God Bless!




Praising Him Joyfully,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My 2 favorite blogs

My absolutely 2 favorite blogs are Danielle Bean and Elizabeth Foss. Check them out below!

Elizabeth Foss

Danielle Bean

Homeschool Dad's Web Seminar

Maureen Whittmann is having a Dr. Clark talked to Home school Dad's Wednesday night 8:30 pm eastern time on home school connections. Here is the link to register. My husband is going--is yours?


My favorite link for the week

We are studying the Spanish conquistadors. The first thing that comes to ind also is Our Lady of Guadalupe. Catholic Heritage Curricula has a lot on her. Here is the link:
They have a lot of unit studies within their lesson plans and we have been using their lesson plans in coordination with other Catholic Curriculum for the past 3 years. I love them a lot. They are very helpful. It is a light, but through curriculum. Take look at it.

Praising Him Joyfully,

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Joy of the Lord is Upon Us!

The Joy of the Lord is Upon US! Well, I went for a walk today before homeschooling and I got this whispered into my ears today. I am so sure God will show me what that means. Walking has become a time of prayer and listening for me during this Lenten season, along with spring cleaning my house and spring cleaning my spiritual life and soul.
I have also been reading Maureen Wittmann's book, "The Catholic Homeschooling Companion". What an awesome book! It is a collection of different homeschoolers on techniques and books on how they home school. It gives you great ideas. I personally recommend this for any new homeschooler. I am so enjoying it and making notes. She has it on her website and amazon has it too.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spending time with Jesus

In watching the Nativity over Advent, something that the actress who played Mary has been stuck in my head. She said"The Almighty has done great things for us." Sometimes we don't realize those things until we are in the midst of it. When God calls us to do things we drag our feet, like the little child complaining of why we need to go to bed early. Well mine has been my writing. One would ask why. Writing is the gift God has always given to me and I chose other things over doing it. Writing takes time, which means I would have to plan and be organized. I am learning that. God is patience and kind with me. He has realized that I need Hope to be organized. My hope reminder is on my mantel right now. The big letters of Hope to constantly remind me through the day to have Hope that God will show me how to do and when to find the time to do it. This morning I walked my morning walk and he gave me a great idea for my first article back. So as long as he keeps inspiring I will freelance again. My Savior guides me through life. Embracing the faith through walking on a tightrope sometimes is hard at times. Through these hard economic times focusing on The Almighty is where we should be focusing. God Bless you all!

Praising Him Joyfully,

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Small successes for Lent!


1. I can actually move my back today after pulling it out. Thank you Tiger Patch and 10 hours of sleep!

2. Many prayers have been answered since my husband's layoff. Today I have two. First, he is going to a job fair on March 19 on Saint Joseph's Feast Day. I think that is a good sign. Thank you Saint Joseph! Second, I decided to start writing again. This has a been on going battle with me. I used to freelance and then came the kids. So God has impressed upon me this is the way I need to go. Blogging has helped me to start writing again. Thanks you Jesus!!

3. I also went to Maureen Whittmann's online seminar on living books last night, which I loved. I have been leary to go that way--but after last night I am definitely doing it for art and music. So it is actual Maureen's small success , not mine.

4. I finally found something that is working with my daughter for her dyslexia, small , inexpensive imagine that-- a green transparency. The Almighty is awesome in his small gestures.

Governor and Voting

I rarely put up political posts but today I will.  Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor.  It has saddened me...