Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reflection on Earthquake 2011

Well all you know by now the East Coast had an earthquake.  Yes I live on the East Coast.  It is amazing how calm I was.  First I thought my vertigo was back.  For those of you who don't have it that is how it feels.  Then my daughter says um mom the couch is moving, why?  My son says Earthquake!!! All I thought is July, a tornado hits us; August an earthquake; this weekend a hurricane is supposed to hit.  God is definitely sending signs.  Are we listening?  It got me thinking really what do we need?  What is the message he is sending us?  He wants us to simplify our lives inside and out. This means simplifying the things we have in our homes, especially if it is better placed with another person; spiritually de-cluttering our minds and hearts; and to remember to put family and God first.  God Bless and keep safe!

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Governor and Voting

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