Saturday, September 10, 2011


I debated whether to write or not about it. I have never written about my personal reflections on 9/11. Partly because even 10 years after my wounds are still healing.  So much was lost that day, our innocence, friends/family members, an attack on my Home Town.  I grew up in New York and I am proud to say I am from New York.  I grew up in one of the 5 boroughs of the city.  I had a great childhood and good friends(wink, wink to my childhood friends) 9/11 took one of my childhood friends with it, Brian Canizzaro, who was a New York Firefighter.  I live in a family that I have an uncle and cousin who are a firefighters.  It is  hard thing to watch your husband go out not knowing if he will come back that night.  That is the life they live.  I always pray for them.  Brian did what most firefighter's do that day help people.  He died a hero.  As I look at my son I realize how lucky he is to have a great dad to grow up, because a lot of father's never came home that day.

I was working at a school that day, I am a teacher, and was told to go home, which I eventually did after they showed us what happened.  They pulled people who they knew had family members in NYC, who worked in the city.  I felt numb and cried.  It was the longest ride home I ever have. Listening to the radio it was so surreal.  People were literally stuck in the city.  The military was called in and shut down the city, no incoming or outgoing traffic.When has that ever happened to Manhattan? Never in my lifetime. I went to pick up my 4 year old in preschool.  She saw my tears and asked me , " Mommy you okay?"  I told her I wasn't but I would be.  I got home to see my mom in tears who was watching my son.  She couldn't reach my dad.  The cell towers were shut down.  It was the scariest time in my life.  He eventually called and said he was on the last train out of New York that MP's would be walking the train through. My dad was working that day and to this day he still can't talk about it.  I remember it was the only time besides my wedding I saw him cry.  He loves New York; he worked there most of his life and loved the pace.  After 911, it changed all of us. Did we recover 10 years after?  In some ways maybe. We became smarter, but Wounds are still healing and may take a life time to heal.

For me tomorrow, I will pray.  We will spend time in church like we usually do in Sunday.  We are going to have a family day together.  I am very grateful to have the family I do, because I have a husband who came home that day.  My kids have two parents who came home from work that day.  I taught kids who either had both or one parent lost that day.  So I pray for them and for peace. Isn't that what Christ asked us to do?  We need to practice it and receive the grace and healing of it.  God Bless you all!

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Governor and Voting

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