Sunday, July 13, 2008

God's Journey for me

It is funny the last couple of months have been such a journey for us as a family, through friends that departed, medical issues, homeschooling, and our faith. No matter what my faith has always been deep for My Lord! I have learned many things these past months one was God has a path for each of us to fulfill. He had me become a special needs teacher all those years ago because he knew I would need it for my own children someday. Homeschooling in itself is a spiritual journey each day. Each day my ultimate goal is for them to walk in the light of Christ. I want them to learn their academics successfully, but at the end of the day when my son says,"We need to say money for the poor so they can live in a house not a tent." I know I am doing my job that God has put me into. Praise God for showing me that I have the courage to homeschool. Everyday may not be a perfect day, but it is a blessed day for God has given me another day to share in homeschooling with my family. Many people tell me I must be a saint because they could never homeschool. At first I didn't know what to say. As my faith has grown so has my ability to answer them. I now tell them I homeschool because it is what God had planned for my family. God brings us to something and he will bring us through it. He has deepened my faith through homeschooling. It is one journey I am glad I said yes to.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

wow, that is beautiful! i love reading your words! your spiritual insights are wonderful, and you are able to write them in simplicity. though the realizations are not simple, by any means. you have a gift for writing!

thank you for sharing your wisdom.

love mel

Governor and Voting

I rarely put up political posts but today I will.  Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor.  It has saddened me...