Thursday, July 16, 2009

Meditation of the Day

When Jesus says, "Come to me . and I will give you rest," he is inviting us
to relax in his presence.

He's saying, "Come to me, and be undisturbed for a few minutes. Let me
relieve you for a time of the heavy loads you carry. Bask in the stillness
and quiet you find in me. Allow me to free you from the things that bind you
or weigh you down. Come, experience the peace I want to give you." It's an
invitation to unwind and be refreshed in ways that surpass any human means.

Jesus promises to give you rest: rest from the never-ending juggling act of
nurturing a family and holding down a job; rest from the demands of school
and community service; rest from the burden of addiction; rest from the pain
of sickness or caring for a ailing child or parent. Sitting with Jesus is
not a burden, a duty that wastes valuable time, or a restrictive yoke to a
loving-but-distant God. Jesus' "burden" is light: It's the burden of
carrying his love around.

So come into his presence today. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Fix
your attention on Jesus. Spend some time worshipping him-maybe by playing
some prayerful music on your stereo-and talk quietly with him. Ask
questions, surrender the difficult things to him, and give him time and
space to speak to you about what's on his heart. Receive the rest he offers
you. Even if the only time you can find is in the car on your way to work in
the morning, that's all right. Just don't close your eyes!

Jesus' yoke is not an uncomfortable harness that shackles us into hard
labor. It's a bond that unites us with him in love. Learn to hear and
recognize his voice as he speaks to you. He will teach you how. God knows
your situation. He is as concerned for you as he was for the Israelites in
Egypt (Exodus 3:16)! Let him direct your steps. Trust his intentions and his
love for you.

"Jesus, I want to experience the rest you offer today. I give you the
problems I can't solve, the pain I can't heal, the desires and urges I can't
control. Teach me to relax in the quiet of your presence and hear your

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Governor and Voting

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