Sunday, November 9, 2008

Montessori Learning

We finally figured it out! Alleluia! I have two children who are right brained learners. With a lot of help from Elizabeth Foss, Diane Craft and other who home school using Montessori Methods they are finally learning without frustration and struggling. Homeschooling has not been easy the past year for us. With God's help he has showed us the way! The kids are so much better. Montessori has been a God-send! Learning styles are so important for children and after researching, we climbing mountains we never could before. Living Books are the way to go--it teaches real learning. Elizabeth's Foss's Real Learning books is an excellent read. This is teaching them that education is a lifelong journey it doesn't stop after you finish going to school!

Praising Him,


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Governor and Voting

I rarely put up political posts but today I will.  Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor.  It has saddened me...