Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Abiding Faith

Well Christmas has come and gone. Christmas was just they way I envisioned it for years--Holy and still. God has been teaching me patience and to be still and listen all year. To finally get it on Christmas was such a Blessing and Grace. I am so grateful for His patience. This has been a year of struggles for us, financially, and spiritually, but our Faith has flourished. This is what God truly wants us to see. Homeschooling has been such a Blessing to me this past year. I finally been able to see the fruits of my labor over the last three years. I can see God in them like I never did before. The Rosary has become the center of our strength. I found adoration online--www.savior.org , so I have been able to do adoration at night after everyone goes to sleep. Through Advent and Christmas, I kept hearing resounding over and over--Mary's simple yes changed the world. Our simple Yes will bring joy to our life and the next life with Jesus. I have come along way this past 4 years. The world teaches us to have a successful career and climb up the ladder of success--but at what price. Through Homeschooling and giving it all up, I found my success in my family and God to be what I was missing all those years that I was searching. When I say Homeschooling was a Blessing, it was. It truly saved my life and soul. Greg is getting laid off in February officially. We have prayed and realized that this is truly a Blessing. God has change for us in the new year coming. I will keep you all updated. Through all of this our faith has becomes stronger, abiding faith. Always remember when God closes a rotting door , he opens a beautiful window somewhere else. Thank you all for prayers, please keep praying. Thanks!

Praising Him Joyfully,

Friday, December 5, 2008

Saint Nicholas Feast Day Dec. 6

Here is a prayer for Saint Nicholas:


St. Nicholas, patron of children, may this candy cane, shaped like your Bishop's staff, be a reminder of Advent joy. Help us prepare for the miracle of the coming of Jesus. Help us not to be blind to the gifts of getting ready. Help us be sincere in the greetings we send and receive, with love and prayer. Kind St. Nicholas, protect us from shoppers' fatigue, help us to be kind and generous of heart. Wherever candy canes are hung, may they bring the bright blessings of God. Let them be reminders of the joy of sharing and our call to be God's peaceful children as we wait for Jesus. St. Nicholas, pray for us! AMEN!

God's Lessons and Gifts

Since I was little my Gift to God has been my positive attitude no matter has happened in my life. My smile has helped me remember God in walk everyday of life with him. Yesterday was the first time in along time I was ever really nervous going into a doctor's office. I have an awesome doctor though. He told me that the cyst had shrunk and it was a benign cyst. He told me many other things I wrote down about vitamin supplements he wanted me to take, no mammography until I hit 40 and lots of other information. Then he tackled my question about my pain on the left side, which he strongly thinks is hormonal, how he wanted to do blood tests mid-cycle, how it could be pre-menpoupausal and such. Then he told me two things I could definitely do to alleviate it besides the pain meds--one was a hysterectomy which he doesn't recommend surgery since my uterus is healthy at the moment. The other was to get pregnant, which I was shocked that my doctor would even recommend, since I have surrendered and left everything in God's hands, that it totally up to God. He has Blessed my life so much, I would never say no if that was His Will for me. I am reminded of Mary, Our Blessed Mother. Her simple Yes led to something much greater than she realized at the moment she said it. A Messiah for our people and our World. That was her gift to us. We all have a gift that God has given us. What is your gift? Through our walk in Life God sends us Little Lessons to work and to see. Don't be blind to the messages He is sending you. Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe.

Governor and Voting

I rarely put up political posts but today I will.  Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor.  It has saddened me...