Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Well I am finally holidayed out. Is that a word? We are back but I have 2 sick kids. One is feeling so much better than the other. So I started to customize and fix up the my blog. In the coming weeks I will be reviewing curriculum that we have used. I am doing this for those who are planning their curriculum's for next year. Let me know how you like it. I am also looking through curriculum. Remember those homeschool conferences are right around the corner. God Bless you all.

1 comment:

Ian said...

We went through six sickos between Christmas and Epiphany. Not fun.

Would you be interested in becoming a reviewer at TiberRiver.com? Here's a link to more information.

God bless,

Governor and Voting

I rarely put up political posts but today I will.  Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor.  It has saddened me...