Monday, August 23, 2010

Review: The Journey Of Faith

The Journey Of Faith by Fr.Benedict Groeschel,C.F.R.

I took a long time to read this book, because I wanted to savor everything Fr. Groeschel wrote.  I highly respect him as a theologian and priest.  This book is a journey to deepen your faith in Christ.  This book teaches a lay person such as myself how to have Expectant Faith. He  explains how we need faith, hope and love for salvation and the road to The Kingdom of God.  As he goes through examples that we can relate too, it deepens your faith through the journey in this book. One thing that astonished me in this book is that, " 94% of people today believe there is a God who knows they exist and who personally cares about their existence". The Media in this country does not portray this statement, which is why I was shocked.  Fr. Groeschel  went on to talk about the Faith we need to have in our Church, the church that Christ created. Jesus established this church for us, a means for us to be saved.  He has a whole chapter explaining practical ways to grow in our faith.He explains only  through grace and the act of faith will we be able to sustained our faith. Finally, throughout this book he explains that prayer is the most essential part of our journey with God, that will guide us to have that Expectant Faith in Him. This is the most positive book about our Faith Journey with Christ that I ever read.  I would highly recommend this book because it is a great book, not just because I highly respect the priest who wrote it.

Given book to Review by The Catholic Company:

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