Wow what journey the last couple of months have been. As I read, "Start Here", by Alex and Brett Harris to my two teens, I never imagined it would affect me. As they write in this book, making the hard choices produces immense blessings. They talk to teens about make the ordinary extraordinary for God's glory. Who would have thought that would have been my journey lately? I feel truly blessed for many things: my family, homeschooling, the amazing job I have, and God's push for me to write again. God has shown me how to leap and not look back, and with His grace, I will land on soft ground. Today was one of the most grace-filled days, I have had in quite awhile. I made an unpopular choice, but it was one God needed me to make to fully trust in faith. We are always learning lessons each day from our amazing creator. He amazes me each day.
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