Monday, April 10, 2017

Wellness and Healing

I am sitting here in such amazement right now.  In February, I was so sick I could not even sit up on a chair.  So I decided to do a 4-week detox and elimination diet.  In week 5, I started Wahl's protocol, she has given me so much hope to cure myself without medication.  The medication that I need will give me violent diarrhea since I am very allergic to all kinds of medications now.  Healing my gut was the step I needed. I must have healed it somewhat.  I haven't been able to lamb burgers for over 6 months, or I would puke. I even tried AIP and some other auto-immune diets.  I just got sicker. God has blessed me when I saw a friend's facebook post about Wahl's protocol.  And now wow.  As I sit here, so grateful and thankful to Dr. Terry Wahl's for her protocol and cookbook.  I know God has me on this journey for a reason.  I somehow think this new blog is part of the reason.

Be Blessed,

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Governor and Voting

I rarely put up political posts but today I will.  Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor.  It has saddened me...