Friday, February 6, 2009


Today, I have been meditating and thinking about simplicity in life and faith thanks to Elizabeth Foss. My life has never been simple, but I wonder if it is because that is the road I chose. I have really chose lately to start focusing my life on my relationship with My Lord and simply homeschooling. The journey is never easy but the reward is great. This is the year of simplicity and hope for us as a family. Our life may be going through changes with Greg's job and where God needs us to be. I will forever be steadfast in my faith and obedience to Jesus. He has always walked along with us through the darkest times. Life needs to be simpler and I started de-cluttering my life emotionally and physically. Last year was the year of waiting. My daughter termed this year---the year of Great Expectations. We shall see. With my birthday tomorrow and a new outlook for life, happiness and great faith is on the horizon of things to come. We all should as a good friend said Count our Blessings and pray.

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Governor and Voting

I rarely put up political posts but today I will.  Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor.  It has saddened me...