Monday, June 8, 2009

Sacred H.E.A.R.T. Convention

Pass on the news.....
Don't Delay!
Only 2 days left!
Huge discount & Free childcare if you preregister. ...
Sacred HEARTConvention
Be refreshed in your Faith!
Be reinvigorated in your marriage!
Enjoy a day meeting like-minded couples!
Enjoy a day of spiritual strengthening!
Enjoy seeing the Vendor's products!
Most importantly, let everyone know. Spread the word & make Catholic families a strong presence in the Tristate Area! Come to support the Catholic Family as the foundation of our society!
see the schedule for the day below
plus - over 40 vendors represented!

8:00 AM - Opening Mass at St. John the Evangelist
9:00 AM - Conference opens
9:00 AM - Martha Nowik "Don't give up!"

10:00 AM - workshop: “Reaching Reluctant Writers”
11:00 AM - Damon Owens
Marriage, Family, and the Common Good."
12:00 PM - Angelus
12:00 PM - 1:00 - Confessions

12:30 PM – workshop: “Teaching the struggling learner.”
1:00 PM - Steven Greydanus "Ready or Not: Homeschooling Kids in a Mass-Media World"

1:00 PM - Q&A panel for teens and pre-teens (time may be moved)
2:00 PM - Mary Daly "The Self-Revelation of God in the world of Creation; Catholics in the Natural Sciences"

2:00 PM – workshop for children: “Making Music Praying Twice”
3:00 PM - Dylan McDonald "Saving the Soul of Catholic Family Life"
4:00 PM - Organ recital by Domecq Smith on original 1879 Hook & Hastings Organ
4:00 PM - 5:00 - Confessions
5:00 PM - Closing Mass celebrated by Archbishop John Myers, with special music featuring the Little Way Homeschool choir, St. John’s Youth & Adult Choirs in the magnificent gothic architecture of St. John the Evangelist

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Governor and Voting

I rarely put up political posts but today I will.  Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor.  It has saddened me...