The Ascension of the Lord
Today is a day of great celebration. Christ Jesus, victorious over every
enemy, has ascended to heaven! He returns to the Father, taking with him as
"captives" the hearts of those who love him. All power and authority in
heaven and earth now belong to him. Can you imagine the joy of the whole
heavenly court as they welcome Jesus home? Can you picture all of them
bowing low, acknowledging him as their valiant King of Glory?
Jesus, the man of sorrows acquainted with such grief; Jesus, beaten,
scourged, and put to death; Jesus, mocked as a false prophet, ridiculed as a
fake king, taunted as a powerless priest, has been vindicated! And now that
he is enthroned, he seeks to share his victory with his people. He has
brought with him into glory that same human nature that was humbled to
death. And in so doing, he has raised up all of human nature and made it
capable of intimate and eternal communion with God.
How should we honor this day? By lifting up our hearts and our voices. By
proclaiming that the gates of heaven are open and that we can approach God
confidently to receive all the grace we need. Jesus may have left us, but he
will never stop caring for us. He is constantly pouring out his love and
offering us abundant gifts that will build his church.
St. Augustine once said: "Our Lord ascends to heaven, let our hearts ascend
with him." Scripture offers the same advice: "If then you were raised with
Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God"
(Colossians 3:1).
So on this great and glorious day, let the Lord bring you into his throne
room. Let your voice join with all the angels and saints in the praise,
worship, and adoration that will go on for all eternity!
"O Jesus, slain for our sins, you are now King of kings and Lord of lords.
We love you and adore you."
Psalm 47:2-3,6-9;? Ephesians 1:17-23; Mark 16:15-20
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