Okay so this is my second year being Gluten Free. I have some really good recipes and some new ones I tried this year and failed. I need to find a good sugar recipe for my daughter. My attempt failed. Uggh!!! So if anyone out there reads my blog and has a good one let me know. I haven't found a really good one yet. Someday I hope to have a hang of it all. My kids are totally gluten free, but I will be making it totally over starting after Christmas for my health and to be a great example to my children.
On a side note after the holidays, we will be going sugar free and using agave and honey entirely to bake and use with tea and such. We will see how it works.
Praising Him Joyfully,
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Special Needs Moms Rock
Special needs moms rock:
1. Because they never thought that "doing it all" would mean doing this much. But they do it all, and then some.
2. Because they've discovered patience they never knew they had.
3. Because they are willing to do something 10 times, 1,000 times if that's what it takes for their kids to learn something new.
4. Because they have heard doctors tell them the worst, and they ref...used to believe them.
5. Because they have bad days and breakdowns and bawl fests, then they pick themselves up and keep right on going.
6. Because they manage to get themselves together and out the door looking pretty damn good. Heck, they even make sweatpants look attractive.
7. Because they are strong. Who knew they could be this strong?
8. Because they aren't just mums, wives, cleaners, chauffeurs, cooks and women who work. They are also physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, teachers, nurses, researchers, coaches and cheerleaders.
9. Because they understand their kids better than anyone else does - even if they can't talk or gesture or look them in the eye. They know. They just know.
10. Because just when it seems like things are going OK, they're suddenly not, but they deal. They deal even when it seems like their heads or hearts might explode.
11. Because when they look at their kids they just see great kids. Not kids with CHD/cerebral palsy/PCH/autism/Down syndrome/ADHD/developmental delay/whatever label. ♥
1. Because they never thought that "doing it all" would mean doing this much. But they do it all, and then some.
2. Because they've discovered patience they never knew they had.
3. Because they are willing to do something 10 times, 1,000 times if that's what it takes for their kids to learn something new.
4. Because they have heard doctors tell them the worst, and they ref...used to believe them.
5. Because they have bad days and breakdowns and bawl fests, then they pick themselves up and keep right on going.
6. Because they manage to get themselves together and out the door looking pretty damn good. Heck, they even make sweatpants look attractive.
7. Because they are strong. Who knew they could be this strong?
8. Because they aren't just mums, wives, cleaners, chauffeurs, cooks and women who work. They are also physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, teachers, nurses, researchers, coaches and cheerleaders.
9. Because they understand their kids better than anyone else does - even if they can't talk or gesture or look them in the eye. They know. They just know.
10. Because just when it seems like things are going OK, they're suddenly not, but they deal. They deal even when it seems like their heads or hearts might explode.
11. Because when they look at their kids they just see great kids. Not kids with CHD/cerebral palsy/PCH/autism/Down syndrome/ADHD/developmental delay/whatever label. ♥
Monday, December 19, 2011
Christmas Wishes and Evaluation of the year
It's been awhile since I have been on. A lot has changed in my life the past 6 months. First, I have been homeschooling for 6 years and my oldest entered into high school. She is still homeschooling and loves it. My son is going to be officially tested for Asperger's at the beginning of 2012 will continue to be home schooled too. So we will see. I went back to work part-time working for an awesome employer, Homeschool Connections as a monitor. I absolutely love it.
God is sending me on a different journey than I was going to go on. I was planning to start teaching online again and still might do that, but He is calling me on a journey he started me on in third grade--Writing. It is scary thing to process. As the Blessed Mother said," The Almighty has done Great Things." Nothing is impossible for God. My son has me back on this quest, Asperger's has become front and center lately. In prayer today, I got my answer. I will write about it in another blog. Great things are to come.
I have a Christmas Wish for you all a safe and healthy Christmas and New Year.
I want to wish all my Jewish friends a Happy Hanukkah!
I wish everyone a very Blessed Christmas! For those on the other side of the Atlantic Have a Happy Christmas!
Please Remember that Christmas is Christmas because of Christ who dwells in us.
Praising Him Joyfully,
God is sending me on a different journey than I was going to go on. I was planning to start teaching online again and still might do that, but He is calling me on a journey he started me on in third grade--Writing. It is scary thing to process. As the Blessed Mother said," The Almighty has done Great Things." Nothing is impossible for God. My son has me back on this quest, Asperger's has become front and center lately. In prayer today, I got my answer. I will write about it in another blog. Great things are to come.
I have a Christmas Wish for you all a safe and healthy Christmas and New Year.
I want to wish all my Jewish friends a Happy Hanukkah!
I wish everyone a very Blessed Christmas! For those on the other side of the Atlantic Have a Happy Christmas!
Please Remember that Christmas is Christmas because of Christ who dwells in us.
Praising Him Joyfully,
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
When you thought I wasn't looking.....
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I heard you say a prayer, and I knew there is a God I could always talk to and I learned to trust in God. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I felt you kiss me good night and I felt loved and safe. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you and wanted to say, "Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking. ♥
EVERYONE influences the life of a child.
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I heard you say a prayer, and I knew there is a God I could always talk to and I learned to trust in God. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I felt you kiss me good night and I felt loved and safe. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up. ♥
When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you and wanted to say, "Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking. ♥
EVERYONE influences the life of a child.
Consulting and Tutoring
After careful prayer and suggestions from my sisters in Christ and prayers from them, I decided to do part-time consulting and tutoring. As most of you know, I work part-time for Homeschool Connections as a monitor and I love it. We need a second income coming in and I am praying and hoping to start up my writing career as well in the near future. It has been a tough start to this school year and when everything levels out I will starting that again as well.
Ipieta and Irosary
For those who are tech savvy I highly recommend Ipieta and Irosary. Ipieta has the same things the Pieta book has in an app. Storm prayers, morning prayers, prayers for different ailments. It has been a Blessing for me. I rosary helps people, who are distracted through the rosary, to keep on task. For visual people like myself, it helps me appreciate the Rosary at its fullest. I give these two apps a 10. You will be truly blessed by using them.
Praising Him Joyfully,
Praising Him Joyfully,
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Apps/Ipad page
I updated the Apps/ iPad page. All these apps I use on my iPad. I am just sharing with you all what I found effective for my kids and us. Share it.
God Bless!
God Bless!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
I am no longer my own blogger
My absolutely favorite blogger at A Holy Experience Posted this. It applies to all bloggers so I am reposting it here:
I am no longer my own blogger, but Thine, O Lord.
Refine me with each post how You will, rank me how You will.
Put me to service, or put me to suffering.
Let me post for Thee or be put aside for Thee,
Lifted high, only for Thee, or brought low, all for Thee.
Do with me and each post whatever you will, because You alone know best.
Let me not strive but submit Let me not compete but care
Let me not desire hits but holiness
Let me be a follower, instead of seeking followers.
Let my blog be full of Thee, and let it be empty of me.
Let me crave all things of Thee, let me care nothing of this world.
Let my words be worthy of the greatest of audiences: You.
And You are enough.
May I write not for subscribers… but only for Thy smile.
May my daily affirmation be in the surety of my atonement,
not the size of my audience.
May my identity be in the innumerable graces of Christ,
never, God forbid, the numbers of my comments.
May the only words that matter in my life not be the ones I write on a screen ---
but the ones I live with my skin.
I freely and heartily yield every sentence, every title, every post, every comment… or no comments… all to Thine pleasure and perfect will.
My only fame is that I bear Your name
My only glory is the gift of Your Grace
My only readership, Your eyes that seek to and fro to find a heart hard after You.
Make this so, oh Lord…
Yahweh, You alone are my God, not Google
Jesus, You alone are my Savior, not site meters
And Holy Spirit, You alone are my Comforter, not comments
So be it, today, yesterday, and every post to come.
This is my prayer I have made on earth and over this keyboard… let it be ratified in heaven.
New look, New attitude
Well it was time to change the look of the blog. I am excited about things to come. I hope you all like my new look. I will keep you posted on things to come.
Praising Him Joyfully.
Praising Him Joyfully.
Monday, September 12, 2011
High School
I am going to start posting our journey through high school with curriculum in my High School Tab to help others, who will be homeschooling High School down the road. Please look for it.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I debated whether to write or not about it. I have never written about my personal reflections on 9/11. Partly because even 10 years after my wounds are still healing. So much was lost that day, our innocence, friends/family members, an attack on my Home Town. I grew up in New York and I am proud to say I am from New York. I grew up in one of the 5 boroughs of the city. I had a great childhood and good friends(wink, wink to my childhood friends) 9/11 took one of my childhood friends with it, Brian Canizzaro, who was a New York Firefighter. I live in a family that I have an uncle and cousin who are a firefighters. It is hard thing to watch your husband go out not knowing if he will come back that night. That is the life they live. I always pray for them. Brian did what most firefighter's do that day help people. He died a hero. As I look at my son I realize how lucky he is to have a great dad to grow up, because a lot of father's never came home that day.
I was working at a school that day, I am a teacher, and was told to go home, which I eventually did after they showed us what happened. They pulled people who they knew had family members in NYC, who worked in the city. I felt numb and cried. It was the longest ride home I ever have. Listening to the radio it was so surreal. People were literally stuck in the city. The military was called in and shut down the city, no incoming or outgoing traffic.When has that ever happened to Manhattan? Never in my lifetime. I went to pick up my 4 year old in preschool. She saw my tears and asked me , " Mommy you okay?" I told her I wasn't but I would be. I got home to see my mom in tears who was watching my son. She couldn't reach my dad. The cell towers were shut down. It was the scariest time in my life. He eventually called and said he was on the last train out of New York that MP's would be walking the train through. My dad was working that day and to this day he still can't talk about it. I remember it was the only time besides my wedding I saw him cry. He loves New York; he worked there most of his life and loved the pace. After 911, it changed all of us. Did we recover 10 years after? In some ways maybe. We became smarter, but Wounds are still healing and may take a life time to heal.
For me tomorrow, I will pray. We will spend time in church like we usually do in Sunday. We are going to have a family day together. I am very grateful to have the family I do, because I have a husband who came home that day. My kids have two parents who came home from work that day. I taught kids who either had both or one parent lost that day. So I pray for them and for peace. Isn't that what Christ asked us to do? We need to practice it and receive the grace and healing of it. God Bless you all!
I was working at a school that day, I am a teacher, and was told to go home, which I eventually did after they showed us what happened. They pulled people who they knew had family members in NYC, who worked in the city. I felt numb and cried. It was the longest ride home I ever have. Listening to the radio it was so surreal. People were literally stuck in the city. The military was called in and shut down the city, no incoming or outgoing traffic.When has that ever happened to Manhattan? Never in my lifetime. I went to pick up my 4 year old in preschool. She saw my tears and asked me , " Mommy you okay?" I told her I wasn't but I would be. I got home to see my mom in tears who was watching my son. She couldn't reach my dad. The cell towers were shut down. It was the scariest time in my life. He eventually called and said he was on the last train out of New York that MP's would be walking the train through. My dad was working that day and to this day he still can't talk about it. I remember it was the only time besides my wedding I saw him cry. He loves New York; he worked there most of his life and loved the pace. After 911, it changed all of us. Did we recover 10 years after? In some ways maybe. We became smarter, but Wounds are still healing and may take a life time to heal.
For me tomorrow, I will pray. We will spend time in church like we usually do in Sunday. We are going to have a family day together. I am very grateful to have the family I do, because I have a husband who came home that day. My kids have two parents who came home from work that day. I taught kids who either had both or one parent lost that day. So I pray for them and for peace. Isn't that what Christ asked us to do? We need to practice it and receive the grace and healing of it. God Bless you all!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Homeschooling High School
My daughter grew up like a whirlwind. This is the first year we will be homeschooling high school. I decided to put another page on my blog as this journey is traveled. It is exciting and yet a bit sad too. In 4 short years, she will be off to college starting her own journey of life. I am so excited for her. As a homeschooling teen there is so much for you out there. She will be taking a Spanish course online through Homeschool Connections Online, where I will be also working part-time. So we both are starting on a new adventure this year. I put my book on hold till October when I will have adjusted to the new schedule. Please stay tuned for more developments....
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Reflection on Earthquake 2011
Well all you know by now the East Coast had an earthquake. Yes I live on the East Coast. It is amazing how calm I was. First I thought my vertigo was back. For those of you who don't have it that is how it feels. Then my daughter says um mom the couch is moving, why? My son says Earthquake!!! All I thought is July, a tornado hits us; August an earthquake; this weekend a hurricane is supposed to hit. God is definitely sending signs. Are we listening? It got me thinking really what do we need? What is the message he is sending us? He wants us to simplify our lives inside and out. This means simplifying the things we have in our homes, especially if it is better placed with another person; spiritually de-cluttering our minds and hearts; and to remember to put family and God first. God Bless and keep safe!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Book Review: The Little Way of Lent By Father Gary Caster
The Little Way of Lent: meditations in the spirit of Saint Therese of Lisieux By Father Gary Caster
Saint Therese always emphasize the small sacrifices we should make for God. Our small steps leads us to the Kingdom of God. Father Gary Caster uses that theme through correlation of meditations along with the readings for each day during the Lenten Season. These meditations give us everyday examples how to walk closer to God, through the sacrifices we make during Lent. I highly recommend this book for a way to enhance your Lent or even everyday life. Using this book either within Lent or outside the Lent season will bring you closer to God with its meditations. It makes you look upon your life and see how you can change it is small ways.
You can find this book at Catholic Company: http://www.catholiccompany.com/little-way-lent-meditations-spirit-st-ther-se-lisieux-p1003037/
Given book to Review by The Catholic Company:
Saint Therese always emphasize the small sacrifices we should make for God. Our small steps leads us to the Kingdom of God. Father Gary Caster uses that theme through correlation of meditations along with the readings for each day during the Lenten Season. These meditations give us everyday examples how to walk closer to God, through the sacrifices we make during Lent. I highly recommend this book for a way to enhance your Lent or even everyday life. Using this book either within Lent or outside the Lent season will bring you closer to God with its meditations. It makes you look upon your life and see how you can change it is small ways.
You can find this book at Catholic Company: http://www.catholiccompany.com/little-way-lent-meditations-spirit-st-ther-se-lisieux-p1003037/
Given book to Review by The Catholic Company:
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Camp and Asperger's
Camp and Asperger's is hard thing: the anxiety, the social cues, the expectations, the sensory overload. I guess I never written about my son having Asperger's/SPD but he does and I am so proud of him at this moment. His first year at Boy Scout Camp he went for half the week with his dad. At 11, that was a big accomplishment. This year going to camp at 12, without his dad for three days was a leap of faith. We knew he wouldn't make it the whole week, especially alone. In retrospect, he is accomplishing a lot each year huge leaps for him. I am really proud of him. It is better to have tried and failed, than not to have tried at all. I love his troop because it is a small troop and, they try to understand his needs to the best of their ability.
Friday, July 15, 2011
The end is near--Harry Potter
I want to thank JK Rowling for instilling the love of reading into my children, for guiding me back to writing, and for allowing me to walk into the world through book, that showed such imagination and great writing. Homeschooling helped a lot, but reading this series made them want to read more, like Rick Riordan, whom they currently love. Yes we are Book Geeks and proud of it. I had to write a post after seeing the last movie of Harry Potter. I will miss a new book for this series coming out. Thus a new movie with it. We all knew it had to end. The last book I cried form beginning to end from Hedwig's death to Lupin and Fred's. It just shows how we as human beings all have flaws but how we try to overcome them for the good of others. The movie was awesome. It was better than I thought it would be. It was a great end to a great series. These movies have stayed true to the book, which alot of other series have not. It was amazing to travel through this world as the characters have grown up and see what great young adults they have become. Life is ever changing. It is amazing that this series has lasted for 10 years. Thank you for the memories with my family as we read the books and discussed them. I will leave you all with the final line from the Deathly Hallows book that Harry said: The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well.
Good Bye Harry!
Good Bye Harry!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Happy 14th Birthday to my daughter!
Fourteen years ago, I was Blessed by such an amazing gift, my daughter at 2:30 in the afternoon. She has changed my life. A child changes your life. They become the best part of you. I thank God each day for that. There were tough times in our lives, but she always help me be strong through it. She is an amazing daughter. I blinked and you grew up. I am so proud to be her mother. She is becoming quite a young woman. Her journey with God is an amazing one as her watch you walk it. To my daughter: As you go into High School this year, remember 4 years goes so fast. Life is fleeting. Do the things you enjoy, be with those you love, and above all enjoy the journey. Try new things, like photography. Develop your art more, you are an amazing artist. Above all know how much we love you and stand by you no matter what. I love you.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Bridges of Faith
I am in a Bridge of faith right now. It is a bridge I closed down many years ago. God wants me to take this huge leap and I am really scared to jump. I went to a Tent Revival tonight at church. It has given me the strength to write this blog entry and admit to it. I will cross My bridge. It will be difficult but, I will spend some time there learning how to cross it slowly and enjoy the view. I will leave you will this final thought-- I read The Life as a Mom blog. She says this about Bridges:
Your Bridge
You may be on a bridge. You may be climbing a big, steep mountain. You may be venturing into a frightening valley.
Whether this is a pleasure trip or not, God is there to sustain you, to guide you, to walk with you along the way. It may be a bucket-list kind of adventure, like mine.
It may be a journey that you never asked for — and wish you could turn back from. It may pull you into “survival mode” when really all you want to do is “life as normal.”
But, it is a season. And you will survive.
Your Bridge
You may be on a bridge. You may be climbing a big, steep mountain. You may be venturing into a frightening valley.
Whether this is a pleasure trip or not, God is there to sustain you, to guide you, to walk with you along the way. It may be a bucket-list kind of adventure, like mine.
It may be a journey that you never asked for — and wish you could turn back from. It may pull you into “survival mode” when really all you want to do is “life as normal.”
But, it is a season. And you will survive.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Graduation 2011
I am finally rested what a weekend! My daughter graduated on Saturday at our Homeschool co-op with 4 other kids, high school and 8th grade graduation. The speech was awesome. Both my daughter and I cried. She talked about how much credit she gave to her parents who homeschooled her and how much they sacrificed for her. As I started this journey six years ago, I would have never imagined the fruits God has given me. Many people who I once was friends with have walked out of lives. But many more awesome friends have stayed for the journey with us. I have met amazing people through this journey. Some have become our closest and dearest friends and I love you. You all know who you are. As a family we have grown closer to God. The education my daughter has received has far surpassed the education she would have ever got in a school. Schools no longer has the classical education our children are receiving. I truly give Kolbe Academy in Napa Valley, CA alot of the credit. They have shown us how God truly works through this type of education. Our journey will continue into high school with them. I am very proud of my daughter as she has become an independent learner. Her walk with God is truly amazing to watch. I so wish at her age I was so foundational in my faith like she is. God Bless the Class of 2011!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Graduation is almost here
I am posting this for those of you who read my blog. This week will be crazy, so there won't be any posting until next Sunday after I recuperate from the graduation festivities. I will be writing alot of interesting blogs in the coming weeks so please watch out for the posting.
God Bless!
God Bless!
High School Decision
God is awesome!!! He gives you answers when you least expect it. After looking through many programs and even looking to make my own transcript. We decided to go with Kolbe Academy. They give me the flexibility I need to choose, while they can do the transcript and recording work. Due to my new business starting up soon and starting my writing career up again, this was the best decision for all of us. No program or way is without pros and cons, but this one works for us. We can still home school with the flexibility we have for the past 6 years.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A look at a homeschool family
It is funny, you know you are homeschooling when........
-your children are reading in their rooms together discussing two different books.
-when you have science experiments, and art experiments throughout your house.
-your children are reading in their rooms together discussing two different books.
-when you have science experiments, and art experiments throughout your house.
Imagine Art
Imagine Art will be at the Point Pleasant Summerfest this Sat. from 11am-7pm,
there will be Airbrush and Acrylic painting demonstrations...Giveaways (classes) and other cool things....hope to see you there! :)
Please come and visit them. This is my daughter's Art School.
there will be Airbrush and Acrylic painting demonstrations...Giveaways (classes) and other cool things....hope to see you there! :)
Please come and visit them. This is my daughter's Art School.
This my new business, please visit it. We will be up for business in July, starting with Summer Camps.
Summer camp programs starting in July. We will offer 4-6 week programs (your choice). Included will be basic math, algebra, writing workshop, reading, language, SATs, PSATs, catch up & review, etc. Classes will be fun but at the same time keeping your child with the knowledge they learned in their previous grade throughout the summer. We will always offer reading tutoring & math tutoring throughout the summer as well as homework help services.
Summer camp programs starting in July. We will offer 4-6 week programs (your choice). Included will be basic math, algebra, writing workshop, reading, language, SATs, PSATs, catch up & review, etc. Classes will be fun but at the same time keeping your child with the knowledge they learned in their previous grade throughout the summer. We will always offer reading tutoring & math tutoring throughout the summer as well as homework help services.
Homeschool Prom
For More Information:
(located in the heart of historic Evesham)
115 South Elmwood Road
Marlton, NJ 08053
Marlton, NJ 08053
TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Ticket includes:
Elegant, Formal affair,
Sit-down 4 course dinner (your choice of Entree'),
Live DJ,
5x7 professionally taken photo -
of you in your beautiful dress or handsome suit.
For More Information:
Visit our website at http://www.arxpub.com/HomeschoolProm/index.html OR
Contact us at njhomeschoolprom@comcast.net
We finished Rome.
Finally finished Rome. It was an interesting journey since we read The Lost Hero through visit there. We used our unit study approach along with The Famous Men of Rome by Memorial Press. We are off to the Middle Ages next. The Famous Men of Rome is an awesome book that you could use just that to visit Rome through History. It is such an a thorough method of teaching about Ancient Rome and what we should learn from that empire. We are off to the Middle Ages next. God bless you all. Stay cool from this heat.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
This my new business, please visit it. We will be up for business in July, starting with Summer Camps.
Summer camp programs starting in July. We will offer 4-6 week programs (your choice). Included will be basic math, algebra, writing workshop, reading, language, SATs, PSATs, catch up & review, etc. Classes will be fun but at the same time keeping your child with the knowledge they learned in their previous grade throughout the summer. We will always offer reading tutoring & math tutoring throughout the summer as well as homework help services.
Summer camp programs starting in July. We will offer 4-6 week programs (your choice). Included will be basic math, algebra, writing workshop, reading, language, SATs, PSATs, catch up & review, etc. Classes will be fun but at the same time keeping your child with the knowledge they learned in their previous grade throughout the summer. We will always offer reading tutoring & math tutoring throughout the summer as well as homework help services.
Charlotte's Web Giveaway
I am giving a away a Collector's Edition of Charlotte Web with a Literature Guide. To be be entered in the giveaway::
1. Follow my blog and make a comment that you are following my blog with your email. Why do you want to win this book and literature guide? All entries will be closed on June 7, 2011. Winner will be announced on June 11, 2011.
2. For an extra entry, you can set up to get my blog through email.
Good Luck!
1. Follow my blog and make a comment that you are following my blog with your email. Why do you want to win this book and literature guide? All entries will be closed on June 7, 2011. Winner will be announced on June 11, 2011.
2. For an extra entry, you can set up to get my blog through email.
Good Luck!
Weinberg Bill
I really love how politicians twist situations for their agenda. Please she understands why we homeschool. No she does not. If she did she would not be pressing this bill again. It looks like we need to be at the state capitol again and make our position clear. Has she even see the sad state of affairs in the school system in our state. No Mrs. Weinberg you have no clue why we home school. The school system needs to be revamped, especially the special education department. I go on for many reasons why my children are not in the school system, but why bother, she would twist that too!!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Review of Faith and Life Grades 6 and 8
We used Faith and Life Grade 6 and 8 this year. I love this catechism series. Why? Well it is very authentically Catholic. It infuses scripture, the precepts of the church, and the Catholic Catechism. It also teaches about many saints and their Holy walk with God. It guides you through the facets of our faith. There are suggestions on Catholic videos, along with prayers that you learn. You can look at it through Ignatius Press:
To My Daughter
No words can express how proud I am of you. In a couple of weeks you will be graduating from 8th grade. What a long ride we had, and yet as I write this tears filled my eyes. I watched you grow from a shy little girl to a confident young lady. We saw you struggle in school which lead you to be homeschooled. As we look where you have started you have accomplished so much. You are an awesome artist, with Art and in Music. Even after being diagnosed with a Learning Disability this year, you rose up to the challenge and accomplished so much. You are the best part of me and I am so proud to be called your Mother. The Blessed Mother has always shown me the way to guide you. As you move into High School next year, let her guide you too. When obstacles in the rode come and they will, look to Her and to Jesus to guide you through them. I am so proud of you.
“To have courage for whatever comes in life - everything lies in that.”
Te Amo,
“To have courage for whatever comes in life - everything lies in that.”
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Book Review : The Magician's Nephew
The Magician's Nephew is the first in the series of The Chronicles of Narnia. It starts with two kids Polly and Digory having adventures going into different world's, through his Uncle Andrew's magic bracelets. They stumble into this world of Charn, where by accident bring the Witch back into their world. She comes with them into Narnia. It is very descriptive how Narnia begins, with Aslan's song awakening it. The children help Aslan protect Narnia from the Ice Witch. It kept us glued wanting more. It did answer a couple of questions for me: Where the Ice Witch came from? Where the wardrobe came from? To find out more read the book. I highly recommend this book.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My Marian Devotion
It is funny right after Easter during my Divine Mercy Novena, I started my Marian month devotions in the last week in May. Today I started my Prayer Walk with Mary. Believe it or not, The Blessed Mother helps me loose weight. I do my morning walk while prayer the Rosary with the CD I bought called, Healing through the Rosary by Fr. Robert De Grandis. It is amazing the graces we receive through the Rosary. It keeps me focused on Mary and Jesus through ordinary functions in life. I am setting up my altar today for Mary. We decorate very fancy during the Marian months of May and October. Mary is the rock lately that I cling to. My daughter in particular has had quite the year medically. I thank God everyday for his Blessed Mother that he gave us. During these time when I carry that cross, I look to Jesus and The Blessed Mother for encouragement and guidance.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Spanish for next year
After researching and looking at the reviews, I looked at Rosetta Stone, Muzzy, Tell Me more, Speekee, along with some apps on the ipad. Most of the reviews were mixed except for Muzzy and Speekee. Speekee is for younger kids. We decided to do Muzzy, in coordination with Spanish Now 1. I will let you all know how it goes.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Bible Study
The best Bible Study I have gone through was the Kimberly Hahn's Proverbs 31 Bible Study. I recommend it for everyone. From Book1 to Book 3, she explains things that she does and how we can enrich our family lives, lives with our children, our marriage, our walk with God through simple things she does. I have incorporated alot of things she recommends and they really work. My life journey with God has been enriched through it.
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Book 1 |
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Book 2 |
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Book 3 |
Monday, April 18, 2011
The closing of Lent...
Well I know I haven't written in awhile but I am back to writing or trying daily posts. Why you might say? God is amazing. He guides on paths you least expect until he pops it right in your lap. He is guiding me on a journey or path I thought I gave up on years ago. There is a season for everything. Yes now I am writing again, but a different type of writing, a more seasoned type of writing. I guess He needed me to grow up, experience and appreciate life a bit before I was to write the book I am writing. Then Lent pops into my head. What a Lent this had been? My first thought was it a failure. It has been a trying Lent, but one that is guiding me on a closer path with God. So I guess my Lent was not a failure, at least not in God's eyes. Now as I start Holy Week, I realize what a sorrow, a loss for The Blessed Mother. As I have a son really sick this week, I can feel her pain a little, nothing compared what she went through. When I have to bear my crosses I always to look to her and her son. It is through our crosses that we walk closer with God. Have a Blessed Holy Week.
Praising Him Joyfully,
Praising Him Joyfully,
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Gluten Free King Arthur Brownies
I usually make everything from scratch, but decided to try there gluten free brownies. Let me tell you I have tried alot of different mixes and stuff for Gluten free products. These were the best. It was even better than brownies I made with gluten in it years ago. The chocolate melted in your mouth. Absolutely the best brownies I have ever made!!! Kuddos to King Arthur. Keep up the good job!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Gluten and the Allergist
Today I went for my yearly allergy and asthma checkup. After talking to the doctor today, I realized I need to have myself tested for Celiac. My son having problems with gluten it is genetic. Someone has to have it. Since I have the stomach issues, I have thought over the past several months it was me. So we will be a team fighting for this. Today it just hit home as I talked to him, how it affects everything in your life. It causes so many things I never realized: headaches, migraines, reflux, stomach pain. Jesus, pour your Holy Spirit, upon us as we walk through a new adventure in life.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Book Review: Weaving Faith and Experience
Weaving Faith and Faith and Experience: A Woman's Perspective by Patricia Cooney Hathaway
I highly recommend this for women in their 40's and beyond. This is a book for the Middle-aged woman. This book is like a quilt that is displayed on the cover. It takes many strands of thought and reflection to develop a quilt. She reflects on the many seasons of our lives and how we interact during those seasons through work, family and close relationships. It shows us through our faith journey, using scriptural references, of Jesus' invitation to come and have a personal relationship with him at every season of life. God invites us to grow in holiness through every season of lives. She points out how our faith is directed through our every days lives, from cleaning the dishes to driving your teen to art classes. It shows us at each how to integrate prayer with Jesus through our everyday lives. One thing that impressed me in this is book is when she talks about,"The Dark Night of the Soul". Everyone has a dark night at some point in their lives, the fork in the road to choose. She talk about how through prayer, Eucharistic adoration, Mass, and meditation we are awakened to God's presence through the darkness times in our lives. He is walking with us. She used Saint John of the Cross as an excellent example of this.
You can find this book at Catholic Company: http://www.catholiccompany.com/weaving-faith-experience-womans-perspective-p1004035/
Given book to Review by The Catholic Company:
I highly recommend this for women in their 40's and beyond. This is a book for the Middle-aged woman. This book is like a quilt that is displayed on the cover. It takes many strands of thought and reflection to develop a quilt. She reflects on the many seasons of our lives and how we interact during those seasons through work, family and close relationships. It shows us through our faith journey, using scriptural references, of Jesus' invitation to come and have a personal relationship with him at every season of life. God invites us to grow in holiness through every season of lives. She points out how our faith is directed through our every days lives, from cleaning the dishes to driving your teen to art classes. It shows us at each how to integrate prayer with Jesus through our everyday lives. One thing that impressed me in this is book is when she talks about,"The Dark Night of the Soul". Everyone has a dark night at some point in their lives, the fork in the road to choose. She talk about how through prayer, Eucharistic adoration, Mass, and meditation we are awakened to God's presence through the darkness times in our lives. He is walking with us. She used Saint John of the Cross as an excellent example of this.
You can find this book at Catholic Company: http://www.catholiccompany.com/weaving-faith-experience-womans-perspective-p1004035/
Given book to Review by The Catholic Company:
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 1 Natural Cleanse--Whole Living style
I can honestly say I am not hungry today--wow. Eating , fruits and veggies is so more energizing. Check it out at: http://www.wholeliving.com/photogallery/action-plan-2011-day-8
So this is day 1--check me out each day.
So this is day 1--check me out each day.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Book Review:The Handbook for Catholic Moms: Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul
This was such a good book! Being a Catholic mother in today's society is not easy, and she gives you easy to do steps to help you along the way. She covers many topics: Marriage, Church, and your own spirituality. My absolute favorite topic she covered was Mass with kids. We all have been there no matter how old our children and doing damage control in Mass.Sometimes not getting anything out of the homily. The tips she gives you are awesome, very simply put. The book has a list of resources in every chapter. The one aspect of this book that stuck out at me was she showed her mistakes, but pointed out what she should do next time. We all have made mistakes along the way. I recommend this book for any Catholic Mom. I bought this via kindle on my phone, and it was so worth it.
Friday, January 7, 2011
I absolutely love this bookmarking site. It means I no longer will loose my bookmarks even if a computer crashes.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Need a saint for 2011
We all need intercessors to help us in daily life. There is a Saint Name generator. Pray about it and then press the button and it chooses the perfect saint for you.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
For the Love of Saint Nick
I read for The Love of Saint Nick, what a great book! It is a tear jerker, so this is your TISSUE ALERT. It is a story about two boys and their father who is naval commander. Their mother died a couple years before. They moved from California to Michigan. In Michigan they had a nanny that took care of them and brought them to Mass. While in Michigan, an extraordinary event event happened on Christmas Eve to the younger of the two boys that changed their lives forever. It also changed their relationship with Jesus and their faith in him. You will have to read the book to find out what happened.
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Governor and Voting
I rarely put up political posts but today I will. Today my son voted for the first time in our NJ primary for governor. It has saddened me...
Our Father . (Matthew 6:9) Although it is only a few lines long, the Lord's Prayer is so rich that it gives us our entire faith in a nu...
Whatever I shall have to do or suffer in this miserable life, I intend that it be proof of love for my God, so that living, I shall live onl...